Your current employee health plan is completely


Millions of families are losing their insurance because of costs. They simply can’t afford the expensive health insurance that Obamacare requires.
A dad in Fredericksburg, Virginia, said his health insurance premiums cost $4,000 a month—far more than his mortgage. He doesn’t get subsidies and isn’t sure he can continue to provide insurance for his family.
Ditch your expensive and outdated health plan for one that saves you money and keeps your employees happy.
Obamacare required health insurance to cover a long list of “essential benefits.” Insurance companies tried to keep premiums as low as they could despite the new benefit mandates so they instead jacked up deductibles and copays and created ultra-narrow networks.
Some people now have deductibles of $6,000 to $10,000. “I might as well be uninsured,” one person told us, “because I can’t afford to pay so much before I can get medical care.”
Innovative and customized to solve
the soaring cost of healthcare.
Retain Employees
Affordable benefits that attract, serve and create loyalty with your employees. What "Benefits" where designed for.

ACA Compliant
Meet minimum essential coverage requirements and avoid fees with a plan customized for your business.

Custom Plan Design
Break from one size fits all group
plans. Give employees choice
of benefits that best fit their
families needs.
✅ 40-60% Lower premiums ✅ No out-of-network ✅ No Co-insurance ✅ Simple enrollment
We're saving businesses thousands per month in premiums while increasing retention and satisfaction.
Give your employees access to a custom
ShareWELL Benefits HUB

How many employees do I need to have?Businesses need to have a minimum of 1 employee and can include spouses and dependents enrolled in the plan.
What if my business already has healthcare through a PEO?No problem. You can keep your PEO for everything except health benefits and get them from us. It’s common for customers to “carve-out” benefits and keep the rest with their PEO. Every dollar counts in this market.
How do I check if my doctor is "In- Network"?We offers all-access plans, meaning all providers are considered ‘in-network.’ There are no restrictions nationwide.
Who can become a healthcare member?Anyone. We provide health benefits to individuals and businesses nationwide with no social security restrictions. There is no restrictions for who becomes a member, however please discuss any pre-exisiting conditions and terms of service with your healthcare advisor prior to acceptance. Please review our:
Are you a PEO?No, we are not a PEO. We are a healthcare company that provides value-based health insurance and healthcare programs to small and large businesses. Like a PEO, we do: Assist small business owners with benefits administration and other HR functions Offer health plans to businesses that are often cheaper than traditional, fully- insured plans Unlike a PEO, we do not: Serve as the official employer for our clients’ employees Completely take over our clients’ HR tasks, such as payroll and benefits administration
Do you offer vision and dental?Yes, you can get dental and vision plan offered and by using your Health Saving Account can receive incredible discounts.
How much money will we save by switching?Each business will depend on various factors, but we find that it’s common for our customers to save up to 40-60% when they switch.
How does the Healthshare save money?We negotiate pricing with providers according to objective, industry-accepted metrics. By reducing provider markups, premiums become more manageable. We also provide level-funded plans, which allow you to receive a credit or refund if you do not spend what was budgeted in your premiums. Small businesses can deduct the cost of employee premiums from their federal tax filings. Depending on your situation, additional tax credits may be available.
Will you help manage our plan?Yes! The dashboard allows employers and administrators to easily add new employees, update contact information, adjust benefits (such as when an employee has a Qualifying Life Event), or remove employees from the plan. You can also reach out to our expert customer success team for assistance.
Do all of my employees need to be located in the same state?Employees can be located anywhere in the U.S., there are no state restrictions on using your health plan nationally or internationally. We also may include 1099 employees provide a monthly payment gateway is in place.
Can we switch before the end of the year or before the open enrollment period?You aren’t required to stay with your current health insurance and can switch at any time throughout the plan year. Yes, the soon the better!